
My name is Neal, and I'm an . . .

So I just want to address the topic of anonymous comments. Like I said, I'm in my blogging adolescence so I guess I'm dealing with issues you blogging old timers got over a long time ago. But I just think the whole mindset behind the anonymous comment is interesting. I mean, sometimes it's funny to post something anonymously if it goes along with the spirit of the post. But anyway, my point is that sometimes anonymous comments are appropriate. Like when one of your friends posts something and let's say their virtual zipper is down and you need to tell them something like, "hey, XYZ," or "your barn door is open," or "it doesn't pay to advertise," or something of that nature, but you don't necessarily want to further embarrass them by letting them now it was YOU that noticed--maybe then, an anonymous comment might be acceptable. I can even understand someone posting something anonymously when they want to say something really hateful and nasty, but they don't have the backbone to attach their name to it. I don't think it's appropriate or acceptable, but I can understand why someone would do it, socially unacceptable as it may be. I guess the last situation that it would be appropriate to comment anonymously is when you don't have a blogger account, but then you can still just sign your name at the end of the comment. I can't understand it when someone wants to say something that doesn't fit any of the above situations and still comment anonymously. Like if you wanted to post something like, say "Some of us will miss George W. Bush when he leaves office and is replaced by Bill & Hillary Clinton." Why wouldn't you want to attach your name to such a statement? Most of the people that read this blog would probably agree with you. Or the person that made a kind of underhandedly disparaging comment about our buddy Mitt. It wasn't that inflammatory. And just for the record, I like to make fun of Mitt sometimes, too. I can only conclude that when a person comments anonymously, they obviously don't have the guts to own their opinion and accept whatever might come back at them as a result. That's my take on it. Maybe I'm wrong, and feel free to call me out on it. But kindly sign your name to your comment.


Mumsy said...

(It wasn't me.)

Hilary isn't going to be the next POTUS. Sorry to break it to you Anonymous. And if I'm wrong, I'm jumping ship and moving to another country.

Leslie said...

i've definitely had my share of anonymous comments, most of which were meant to be hurtful or inflammatory. i know my sister has had to shut down blogs because of downright frightening anonymouses. mouses. hehee.
sometimes, as i think is the case here, anonymous just wants to stir the pot and be funny, which he/she is. but ya, own up anonymouses! we'll all be happier if you do. (i think neal has 2 or 3 . . .)

oh, and ssshhhh, i have anonymously commented TWO times in my bloglife. but i'm not telling where. :)

Jodie Haney said...

Yea, grow some goodies anonymous!
Lindsey, I'll go with you if there is ever another Clinton in office.

Anonymous said...

Since when did you become the comment police?

I mean, how would it look for me to be found out as a closet liberal when I put myself out there as a right-wing nut?

I think that people should be free to comment as they please.

And please don't be biased against my non-blogger blog by making me sign in with a google account, just to make a comment.

Neal said...

Mike, a simple "I am anonymous" would suffice. Plus, a "non-blogger blog" isn't a real blog anyway. Even Audrey knows that. If you buy their stock the least you can do is use their products.

Barbara said...

Being anonymous is just plain rude!
If you can't own up to what you speak,write or say then don't blog it!!!!!
Love you

Ruth said...

Ok, Neal, I'm racking my brain to try and remember this Paula chick but I simply cannot. Apparently she didn't make that big of an impression on me. I remember so many other funny things from that year though. Give me some other clues that may refresh my memory. Thanks! I'll see what the other girls (Julie and Rebekah) can remember!

sara said...

I like anonymous comments that are funny, like if someone leaves one on mine that was obviously written by a family member and is in reference to an inside joke. I too am fairly new at this (march '07) and thanks to statcounter I KNOW my peeps are reading and not saying a word. I mean, like in-laws. Come on, peeps. Sometimes they'll mention something in an email, or in person, that makes it obvious that they've been checking my blog periodically but have declined to ever make a comment. Ever. Luckily my immediate fam understands and they comment appropriately & frequently. As for the rest of them... I'm learning to accept it. But getting comments DOES help us to want to keep writing, doesn't it?

By the way, I'm a friend of a sister of a friend of Leslie's :)

sara said...

I must stick up for Wordpress though. If you know how to program at all (which I don't) you can make a really great website/blog out of it.